In times of crisis, there’s always a renewed focus on what’s important – family, friends, colleagues, and staying healthy.
It’s also a time when healthcare professionals need all the help, support, and understanding they can get. However, given the increase in their workloads – and the strain on medical resources – there are some tough times ahead.
Medical device specialists however, have to keep their distance. But they can still play a crucial role, even if they can’t be there in person – thanks to advances in telemedicine.
Addressing The Safety Agenda
Work and self isolation are relatively simple in other industries. As knowledge workers can adjust to remote working fairly easily, many businesses are beginning to realise the benefits of the different communication technologies available.
However, other sectors – like medicine which relies on face-to-face and in-situ interaction – are struggling to make the adjustment. As a result, medical device specialists who would normally be out on the road are unable to travel right now.
Many would normally be present in and around hospital Operating Rooms (ORs) but, as social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 becomes the norm, they’re not going to be permitted for some time yet.
The Time Is Now
Innovations have a habit of coming to the rescue when uncertainty prevails. Trials that would have taken months – possibly years – to come to fruition are immediately being put to good use, as part of a wider program of telemedicine services.
That’s what we’re finding with our Smart Surgery Glasses. As they enable surgeons to interact in real-time with medical device specialists and attending surgeons remotely – during a live surgery, we’re seeing our technology being adopted a lot more quickly than usual.
Decision makers understand the urgency of the current pandemic and are adapting. But as quarantine comes to an eventual end, we’ll no doubt see elective surgeries prioritised again fairly quickly, to meet patient demand after the lockdown.
But, in the same way as with office work, we believe there will be a sustained shift in the use of telemedicine technology. However, time will surely tell and it will come down to numerous factors – namely time, cost, and necessity.
If all those boxes are ticked, there will be no need to go back to the old ways.
Due to the current crisis, we are getting lots of enquiries here at Rods&Cones. Our aim is to help and support as many people as we can, so if you have an immediate need for our Smart Surgery Glasses, please contact us ( as soon as possible to ensure we can plan and assign products in the most effective way .