Field Surgery

Revolutionizing patient care and surgical training with remote technology.
Field Surgery

Making surgery accessible worldwide is at the heart of our mission. With millions lacking access to essential medical care, Rods&Cones remote assistance brings expert surgical support to even the most remote locations, bridging the gap in healthcare accessibility.

Optimize evacuation missions
With remote assistance, Defence Medical Services can reduce costs while enhancing patient care right on the ground.
Accelerate Care Delivery
Our remote assistance services enable clinicians to save lives instantly, bypassing travel and reducing the time needed to provide essential care.
Scale Expertise Where It’s Needed Most
Our remote assistance services empower local medical teams to expand their capabilities by connecting with global experts, bringing world-class knowledge straight to the point of care.
Transforming Remote Medical Consultations

With Rods&Cones’ remote assistance platform, Medical Officers (MOs) can seamlessly conduct consultations from clinic rooms while observing Combat Medical Technicians (CMTs) performing local operations. This approach boosts local operational capacity and reduces costly evacuations. Committed to adaptability, Rods&Cones also delivers custom IT solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each medical center.

Empowering Doctors to Do More, Anywhere

Rods&Cones’ remote assistance platform empowers NGO doctors working in complex, high-need areas to access vital expertise remotely. As access to certain regions becomes increasingly difficult, our technology makes it possible for doctors to extend their presence in high-risk locations without the need for travel. This instant, life-saving support is essential for hospitals that are understaffed or difficult to reach, ensuring critical care reaches those who need it most.

Enabling Safer & Smarter Care

Video telemedicine consultations offer a safe, reliable, and cost-effective solution, embraced by both physicians and patients. This approach not only boosts accessibility but also enhances oversight and governance on an exponential scale.

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