How MedTech Can Help Against COVID-19 Spread

How MedTech Can Help Against COVID-19 Spread

MedTech is, without a doubt, one of the top technologies to watch closely in 2021. While medtech’s end-goal is saving lives,  it also aims at high innovation and sustainable healthcare.

Simply put, MedTech, which stands for medical technology, is all the products, services, and solutions using technology to improve healthcare experiences and outcomes.

The Battle Against Covid-19

As the battle against coronavirus continues, reports show that an increasing number of healthcare professionals are at risk.
In the operating theatre (OT), while every effort is made to ensure all equipment is sterilized, the more people surgeons come into contact with, the greater the risk of infection.
That’s why innovations like Surgery Assistance smart glasses – which are specifically customized for use in the OT by surgeons who need to contact external specialists – could significantly reduce the spread of coronavirus and many other infections.

Saving Lives Means Saving Lifelines

Medical staff – doctors, nurses, administrators, and device specialists: as well as surgeons – work tirelessly to ensure that admitted patients are given the best possible care and treatment in every situation.

In times of crisis, however, to ensure the optimum number of staff are on call, measures to be taken to prevent them from illness and infection. While there are numerous precautions medical staff can take, the one persistent, golden rule is to minimize physical contact with patients as much as possible.

However, during more complex surgeries, this is not always possible. And considering a whole team is involved in the surgery, limiting the number of people that doctors come into contact with is very difficult.

Keeping Experts On Call Is Essential

In a similar way, traveling medical device specialists may be advised to minimize their hospital visits. However, the fact is, their expertise is still very much needed.

While they can remain accessible to surgeons and staff by phone and email, the in-person consultations they provide during surgery are an important part of the process.

In addition, attending surgeons – who have many years of experience under their belts – are often called upon during surgery. Their physical presence is unavoidable.

A Smart Solution

It’s clear that, unlike office workers, those in the medical profession are duty-bound to highly at-risk areas – meaning there’s no real possibility of remote work for surgeons.

However, thanks to medtech devices like our Surgery Assistance smart glasses, required specialists can report in from anywhere there’s an internet connection.

Using a live camera feed from the surgeon’s smart glasses, device specialists and attending surgeons can see exactly what the surgeon sees and can offer guidance and advice as needed – all without setting foot in the hospital; let alone the OT itself.

Given the urgent need to quarantine many patients during a fast-spreading virus outbreak, remote collaboration technology has an important role to play in healthcare.

And given their time- and cost-effectiveness, Surgery Assistance smart glasses could completely transform many professional interactions in the operating theatre – potentially saving hospitals and medical device manufacturers millions of dollars every year.

It’s certainly worth considering as a long- and short-term solution.

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