How Remote Is Working: Rods&Cones Launch Whitepaper On The Global Impact Of Operating Room Medtech

How Remote Is Working_ Rods&Cones Launch Whitepaper On The Global Impact Of Operating Room Medtech
Rods&Cones has published a new whitepaper on the benefits of remote working for global healthcare. The global pandemic brought about sweeping changes in every industry, perhaps none more so than in healthcare. But thanks to existing and developing technologies from Rods&Cones, more physicians and patients are discovering the benefits of remote support technologies. It’s sometimes said that necessity is the mother of invention. The restrictions due to COVID-19 in 2020 forced millions of people to work from home, and became a catalyst for increased demand in remote-working technologies. The OR might not be the most obvious workplace for remote working, but use cases before, during and after the pandemic have shown the powerful role that remote video assistance has in attending, escalating, and educating healthcare professionals. Using existing case studies, from the German doctor who performed a remote knee revision in Nairobi to the head of paediatric plastic surgery who supervised a surgery without setting foot in the room, this white paper examines the role played by remote surgical assistance, and medtech device representatives. It also explores the potential of remote technologies on surgeons’ ability to escalate in real time, educate junior surgeons, and moreover, achieve better patient outcomes.

Escalation & Education

With connected remote video technologies, help can be on hand in real-time. From anywhere in the world. Whether it’s communication with a colleague, or expert advice from a senior surgeon, innovative OR medtech from Rods&Cones enables physicians to get timely support whenever they need it. Consider the impact on surgical training: medical students from anywhere in the world with the potential to observe procedures from the first-person perspective, not standing to one side at a 90-degree angle. And when those same students are performing surgery for the first time, imagine the potential of hand-on-your-shoulder mentoring, as a more experienced colleague guides their work remotely. Remote surgical assistance has the potential to democratize the best medical skills, expertise, and advice. It has the potential to be Surgery 2.0. Interested to find out more about the OR remote working revolution? Download the whitepaper.

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